Thursday, November 14, 2013

1.      debunk (V) to prove it wrong /Columbus debunked the idea that the world was flat.

2.      imminent (A) is just about to happen / Her death is imminent.

3.      afflunent (A) wealthy /only the affluent could afford to travel abroad.

4.      routine (A) ordinary,normal/the principal insisted that this was just a routine annual drill.

5.      benign (A) harmless /her face was calm and benign.

6.      Malevolent (A) evil / some malevolent force of nature.

7.      enlighten (V)teach somthing new/ Christopher had not enlightened Frances as to their relationship.

8.      inquire(V) to ask/I inquired where he lived.

9.      perplexing(A) confusing/a perplexing problem.

10.  resilient (A) tough, determined/the fish are resilient to most infections.

11.  amend (V) to fix or change/ a few things had gone wrong, but these had been amended.

12.  fickle (A) indoeisive / He blames poor sales on fickle consumers.

13.  benevolent (A) good / a gift from a benevolent donor.

14.  desist (V) stop doing something /Despite orders from the police, the protesters would not desist.

15.  listless (A)tired, lazy / The heat made everyone tired and listless.

16.  lackluster(A) not impressive / Lackluster performance from lee, who really isn't given much to do.

17.  dwindle (V) to reduce in number / the long winter dwindled our supply of firewood to practically nothing.

18.  subtle (A) not obvious / used subtle methods of persuasion.

19.  gullible (A) willing to believe anything / he thought his grandmother was gullible simply because she was elderly.

20.  erratic (A) unpredictable / so far your effort to land a summer job has been very erratic.

21.  condescending (A) conceited, talking down to someone / wealthy people who tend to be condescending toward their poor relations.

22.  Aspire (to seek to become or achieve)

23.  Pristine (untouched/in perfect condition)

24.  Nettle (to annoy or bother)

25.  Hapless (unlucky)

26.  Scrutinize (To look closely)

27.  Domicile (home)

28.  Clarify (to explain more clearly)

29.  Asinine (stupid/idiotice

30.  Infer (to figure out without being told)

31.  Eloquent (well-spoken)

32.  Strife (conflict)

33.  Plaintive (Very sad)

34.  Flaunt (to show something off)

35.  Distraught (emotionally upset)

36.  Queue (a line of people or things)

37.  Accrue (to gather over time)

38.  Relentless (never stopping)

39.  Leery (untrusting)

40.  Crass (rude/vulgar/having bad manners)

41.  Inevitable ( It's going to happen no matter what)

42.  Phobia ( A strong Fear)

43.  Seclude(To hide away from others)

44.  Rebuke (To criticize publicly)

45.  Notorious(Famous for something bad)

46.  Fluctuate (To change often)

47.  Candid (Honesty and sincere)

48.  Sophomoric (Immature)


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